Requirements: BeeFree OS, md5 : ece8bb4eebdb4d8e00167a424348db2d, size : 7.9 MB
Anki is a spaced repetition flashcard program. Anki (暗記) is the Japanese word for memorization.[1]
The SM2 algorithm, created for SuperMemo in the late 1980s, forms the basis of the spaced repetition methods employed in the program. Anki's implementation of the algorithm has been modified to allow priorities on cards and to show cards in order of their urgency.
The cards are presented using HTML and may include text, images, sounds, videos,[2] and LaTeX equations. The decks of cards, along with the user's statistics, are stored in the open SQLite format.
Cards are generated from information stored as "notes". Notes are analogous to database entries and can have an arbitrary number of fields. For example, with respect to learning a language, a note may have the following fields and example entries:- Field 1: Expression in target language – "gâteau"
- Field 2: Pronunciation – [sound file with the word "gâteau" pronounced]
- Field 3: Meaning of expression in familiar language – "cake"
The user can design cards that test the information contained in each note. One card may have a question (expression) and an answer (pronunciation, meaning).
By keeping the separate cards linked to the same fact, spelling mistakes can be adjusted against all cards at the same time and Anki can ensure that related cards are not shown in too short a spacing.
A special note type allows for generation of cloze deletion cards (in Anki 1.2.x, those were ordinary cards with cloze markup added using a tool in the fact editor).
Anki supports synchronization with a free (but proprietary) online server called AnkiWeb.[3] This allows users to keep decks synchronized across multiple computers, and to study online or on a cell phone.There is a third-party open source (AGPLv3) AnkiServer software which users can run on their own local computers or servers, though it is not compatible with recent Anki versions. It also provides a RESTful API for manipulating Anki collections.[4]